"Health is a state of body, wellness is a state of being"
Miles J. Stanford

About Me
I am extremely passionate about wellness! I have always leaned towards the holistic approach and less towards conventional or allopathic medicine. A total shift happened when I was diagnosed (almost two decades ago) with a benign tumor on my pituitary gland (not fun), known as Prolactinoma.
What is a Health Coach?
I see my role in this world as a “guide on the side”, filling the gaps where your doctors can’t.
A Health Coach is your partner in this journey and facilitates in a process of self-discovery for the clients who are seeking self-directed, lasting changes aligned with their values. Strengths are built and progress is made and sustained towards the patient’s health, happiness and well-being goals.
As a Health Coach, I not only focus on the dietary nutrition (secondary food). There’s a larger focus on non-food forms of nourishment: relationships, career, physical activity, and spirituality (primary food).

InnerMederi Statement
The word, Mederi, derived from the Latin medeor, means to self-heal, cure, remedy, or relieve.
Healing involves nourishment from primary and secondary foods. InnerMederi focuses on all forms of nourishment, with emphasis on non-food forms as well as the foods that are on the plate.
I will be your partner in your healing journey. At times it may be painful. Don’t get discouraged if you hit a wall, roadblock or have self-doubt. You can do this if you are willing, which is different than wanting. I will always be here to support you. I will display unconditional positive respect and belief in your capacity for change. I will listen, honor your bio-individuality, and be free of judgment because I see you and trust you.