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Vegetable Garden

About Me

I am extremely passionate about wellness! I have always leaned towards the holistic approach and less towards conventional or allopathic medicine. A total shift happened when I was diagnosed (almost two decades ago) with a benign tumor on my pituitary gland, known as Prolactinoma.
The conventional treatment methods of brain surgery through my nose or medications for the rest of my life didn’t feel right to me. Deep inside I knew that my body was smart enough to do what it needed to do if only I gave it half a chance.
I had already uprooted my life from Israel, where I was a successful line producer in the TV industry, to pursue bodywork/healing arts school in Tucson, AZ.

My appreciation that our body is a phenomenal machine, always striving to achieve homeostasis, only grew. A true revelation occurred when I came across Joel Fuhrman’s book, “Eat to Live”. Despite considering myself healthy, since I cooked at home and had never eaten “junk” food, I still ate decadent desserts and baked and cooked with flour and sugar.

I made the decision to cut sugar completely, and at that time I still used whole-wheat instead of white flour in my kitchen (but not anymore). Lo and behold my tumor was gone within 3 months. My endocrinologist was floored.

This tumor was one of the biggest blessings in my life. Since then, the deep understanding of the body-mind connection, power of nutrition, and healing arts journey led me to be where I am today – a healer, an educator, and a voice in the wellness world.

My experience lets me “Walk the Talk” of wellness and healing. My approach is always “holistic yet realistic”. Here is the thing… if I am in a car accident, please have the doctors put me back together as I doubt that my herbs and superfoods will help, but as a daily practice of wellness, I don’t rely on allopathic medicine.  

My Motto:
Imagine your dreams
Create your happiness
Live your life

I love being in the kitchen, feeding my loved ones, and being selective about ingredients, not only for taste but also for nutrient density. I took my passion and talent in the kitchen, switched it to clean and health-conscious, without feeling deprived of comfort and flavor.

My recipes are simple, healthy, full of vitamin L(ove), and empty of guilt.

I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a Natural Medicine Counselor, and a Certified Counselor and Coach in Science-Based Natural Health.  As a natural educator, I love bringing my zest and passion to people who never thought they would find their way around the kitchen, never thought they would understand the mind-body connection, or never realized that nutrition and physical activity are only a couple of slices in the well-being Circle of Life.  

Please join me on this endless journey of a beautiful path for creating a ripple effect to a healthier world.


Inhale Love and Exhale Gratitude,


A Tower of Stones
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